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File Insecurities and Prevention in Perl

Perl Insecurities and Prevention – Part 5

Perl Course

Foreword: In this part of the series, I talk about file insecurities and prevention.

By: Chrysanthus Date Published: 23 Nov 2015


This is part 5 of my series, Perl Insecurities and Prevention. In this part of the series, I talk about file insecurities and prevention. You should have read the previous parts of the series before coming here, as this is a continuation. A Perl script and a Perl Program mean the same thing.

File insecurity can be seen in three similar ways:
- The file has a good path and name but the file is not known by Perl; as such any bad thing can be inside the file.
- Perl does not know the path of the file.
- The content or parts of it may ultimately harm your program.

Prevention from hacking can be summarized as follows: Wrong data or wrong code, should not enter a program. While wrong data or wrong code is in the program, it should not disrupt the program flow. Wrong data or code should not leave the program for other destinations, because of wrong data inputted or wrong code inputted.

The verb, taint, means to damage or spoil the quality of something. Taintedness is associated with a scalar value.

File is not known
Perl does not trust all operating system files. There are other files (executable and data) in the computer, allowed into the computer by the operating system; and Perl does not know and does not trust them. The following schemes can bring the content of untrusted files to your program:

    $line = <>;
    $line = <STDIN>;
    $line = <FOO>;
    system "/bin/echo", $arg;
    open(FOO, "> $arg");
    exec 'echo', $arg;
    @files = <*.c>;
    @files = glob('*.c');
    $path = $ENV{'PATH'};
    readdir() and other functions that call OS functions

All these data expressions are described as tainted. I now explain why they are considered by Perl as tainted:

$line = <>;
One way to call a Perl program is as follows:

    perl file1, file2, file3

The executable Perl program is, file1, file2 and file3 are files to be used by file1, file2 and file3 etc. become values of the Perl’s special array, @ARGV. Now, <> is the filehandle for each of the filenames in @ARGV.

The problem is that Perl does not (may not) know these files; so the files are considered tainted. To prevent this taintedness, verify manually that the files have no errors (no false data or false code).

$line = <STDIN>;
This expression is to receive strings from the console. Perl assumes that the values are not validated, so it considers any such value as tainted. To prevent this, validate all such inputs.

$line = <FOO>;
FOO is a filehandle to a file. Perl does not (may not) know the file. So the file is considered tainted. To prevent this, verify manually that the file has no errors.

system "/bin/echo", $arg;
Here Perl’s system() function calls the operating system command (file) named, echo, whose argument is $arg. Perl does not know this command; Perl may not also know the value of $arg, because it is not the Perl program that created it (because it is not literal typed and assigned in the program). So echo and $arg are tainted and the expression is a tainted data expression.

Now, when Perl is installed automatically, it comes with its bin directory and executable files that it created (and came with). Perl knows the files it created, and echo is not one of them (even though echo may be a Windows OS command). To prevent this taintedness, use only a literal value for $arg or validated value; also use commands in the bin directory that Perl installed.

open(FOO, "> $arg");
$arg holds a filename. This operation is to write to a file. Perl does not know what your program is writing to the file, so it considers what is being written as tainted. To prevent this, make sure any input to your program is validated; write a mature Perl program; and send out honest output.

exec 'echo', $arg;
The Perl exec() function is similar to the Perl system() function. Perl never placed any file called echo in the working directory. Also, it may not be your Perl program that created the value for $arg. So, because of echo and $arg, the expression is a tainted data expression. To prevent this, verify manually that echo has no errors and that the value for $arg is input that is validated, or it is a clean literal typed directly onto your program.

@files = <*.c>; and  @files = glob('*.c');
Now, *.c means all files in the working directory whose extension is c . The files could be, one.c, two.c, john.c, trouble.c, thief.c, danger.c, etc. It is not Perl that created those files. So as input to your program, they are untrustworthy, and so tainted. To prevent this, verify the files manually or accept only files from a source you trust.

$path = $ENV{'PATH'};
ENV is an operating system variable that can be accessed by Perl. It is a string variable. An example of its value is:

C:/Perl/site/bin;C:/Perl/bin;C:/Program Files/PHP/;C:/WINDOWS/system32;C:/WINDOWS;C:/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem;C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.5/bin

This value consists of paths to application executable files. For example, an executable that interprets Perl programs is called, perl5.18.2.exe and it is in the path and directory C:/Perl/bin . In the PATH string, semicolons separate the entries.

Now, apart from the directories and files created by Perl installation, Perl does not trust the other directories and their files. Even the directories and files creates by Perl might have been tampered with, by the Operating system. To prevent this, use an operating system that you trust, and untrustworthy people should not be allowed to access crucial directories and files of the operating system.

readdir() and Other Functions that call OS functions
A Perl function, like readdir() calls an operating system function. Perl does not trust operating system functions, because they might have been tampered with, by unauthorized persons. To prevent this, use an operating system that you trust, and untrustworthy people should not be allowed to access crucial directories and files of the operating system.

Unknown File Path
If Perl does not know the path of a file, then it definitely does not know the files at the destination. So, both the path and files are tainted. To prevent this, use paths and files that you trust.

The Content or Parts of a File
The content of a file may have wrong data. To prevent this, do not open a file you do not trust.

That is it for this part of the series. We stop here and continue in the next part.


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