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EOF and Result Set Packets for PurePerl MySQL API

Developing a PurePerl MySQL API – Part 7

Writing a Perl Module

Foreword: In this part of the series I explain EOF and result set packets in the PurePerl MySQL API.

By: Chrysanthus Date Published: 28 Jan 2015


This is part 7 of my series, Developing a PurePerl MySQL API. In this part of the series I explain EOF and result set packets in the PurePerl MySQL API. PurePerl stands for Pure Perl, meaning Perl software without any C software underneath. Queries such as SELECT, SHOW, CHECK, REPAIR, and EXPLAIN return a result set, which comprises result set packets. EOF literally means End-of-File, but here it means end of a packet stream (sequence). EOF is actually a packet on its own. You should have read the previous parts of the series before reaching here, as this is a continuation.

The word, field in this article has two meanings. It can mean a byte sequence in a packet (string) and it can also mean the field (column heading) of a table in the database, at the server.

EOF Packet
EOF stands for end-of-file. The EOF packet is a packet. It is send at the end of a stream of packets from the server to indicate the end of the stream of packets. The stream consists of one or more packets.

The EOF packet can also be sent by the server to acknowledge a SHUTDOWN of the client. The EOF packet is also sent by the server as end of rows. The server sends one packet per row.

Any packet has the header segment and the body segment. The body of an EOF packet always starts with a byte containing decimal 254, i.e. “fe” in hex. In the pre-4.1 versions, there was nothing else in the body in addition to this byte.

The format of the EOF body today is:
Table 7.1. Format of server's EOF packet
Offset in the bodyLengthDescription
01Byte with the decimal 254
12Number of warnings
32Server status bit mask

EOF Packet Package Code
The code of the package to handle an EOF packet (convert the string into a hash of user-friendly values) is:

package EOF;
our $VERSION = "1.01";

use strict;

    sub eof

            my $eof_len = length($_[0]);
            my ($body_len_LBF, $seq_no, $eof_no) = unpack('A3A1A1', $_[0]);
            my ($body_len1,$body_len2,$body_len3) = unpack('AAA', $body_len_LBF);
            my $body_len_HBF = pack('AAA', $body_len3,$body_len2,$body_len1);
            my $body_len_hex_str = unpack('H*', $body_len_HBF); #\0 byte is substituted with 0x20 for space
            $body_len_hex_str =~ s/20/00/g;
            my $body_len_hex_32str = "00" . $body_len_hex_str;
            my $body_len_B = pack('H8', $body_len_hex_32str);
            my $body_len_D = unpack('L>',$body_len_B);

            #no. of warnings
            my ($dummy0, $no_warnings_B) = unpack('A5A2', $_[0]);

            #Server status bit mask
            my ($dummy1, $srv_status_bit_mask) = unpack('A7A2', $_[0]);

            #EOF hash to return
            my %Ha = (
                body_len_D => $body_len_D,
                seq_no => $seq_no,
                eof_no => $eof_no,
                no_warnings_B => $no_warnings_B,
                srv_status_bit_mask => $srv_status_bit_mask

            return %Ha;



It has one function with one argument. The argument is the EOF packet in string form.

The Result Set Packets
When a query like SELECT, SHOW, CHECK, REPAIR, or EXPLAIN is sent by the client, the server responds with a result set. Each result set consists of a series of packets. A result set consists of packets in the following order:

- A packet with the body consisting of the standard field-length specifier sequence. However, this time, the meaning of the number is different. It indicates the number of fields (database table column titles) in the result set.

- A group of field description packets (see the upcoming explanation for the format description); one packet for each field, in the field order of the result set. “field” here refers to a database table column title.

- A terminating EOF packet to end the field stream (packet sequence).

- The row packets follow, one packet per row. Each row data packet consists of a sequence of values stored in the standard field data format. Here, “field” means sequence of bytes.

- After all the data rows have been sent, the packet sequence is terminated with an EOF packet (again).

The following table gives the format description of each field packet. In the table the offset column is not given because of the varied lengths of the byte sequences (packet fields). Within the table, the word, “field” refers to the byte sequence.
Table 7.1. Format of server's Result Set Field Packet
4Data field (see the section "Data Field," earlier in this chapter) containing the ASCII string def.
VariesDatabase name of the field in the data field format.
VariesTable name of the field in the data field format. If the table was aliased in the query, contains the name of the alias.
VariesTable name of the field in the data field format. If the table was aliased in the query, contains the original name of the table.
VariesColumn name of the field in the data field format. If the column was aliased in the query, contains the name of the alias.
VariesColumn name of the field in the data field format. If the column was aliased in the query, contains the original name in the table.
1Byte containing decimal 12, meaning that 12 bytes of data follow. The idea is to make the sequence look like a standard data field.
2Character set code of the field (low byte first).
4Field length (low byte first).
1Type code of the field according to enum field_types.
2Bit mask of field option flags (low byte first). See table below for the explanation of the bits.
1Decimal-point precision of field values.
VariesOptional element. If present, contains the default value of the field in the standard field data format.

The following table brings us to the end of the series. After that we continue in the next part.
Table 7.3. Option Flags in Server's Result Set Packets
bit value
Byte Value<Description
0x00010000000000000001The field value cannot be NULL (it is declared with the NOT NULL attribute at, the database table).
0x00020000000000000010The field is a part of the primary key.
0x00040000000000000100The field is a part of a unique key.
0x00080000000000001000The field is a part of some non-unique key.
0x00100000000000010000The field is a BLOB or TEXT.
0x00200000000000100000The field was declared with the UNSIGNED attribute, which has the same meaning as the unsigned keyword in C.
0x00400000000001000000The field has been declared with the ZEROFILL attribute, which tells the server to pad the numeric types with leading zeros in the output to fit the specified field length.
0x00800000000010000000The field has been declared with the BINARY attribute, which tells the server to compare strings byte-for-byte in a case-sensitive manner.
0x01000000000100000000The field is an ENUM.
0x02000000001000000000The field has been declared with the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute, which enables the automatic generation of primary key values when a new record is inserted.
0x04000000010000000000The field is a timestamp.
0x08000000100000000000The field is a SET.
0x80001000000000000000Used with cursors in MySQL version 4.1 and up to indicate that the field is numeric.

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