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HTML5 Video Gallery and Video Enlargement with ECMAScript

Designing a Video Gallery – Part 1

Foreword: In this part of the series I explain how to place HTML5 video elements in a regular fashion (rows and columns) in a web page; I also explain how to enlarge and restore the video sizes using ECMAScript.

By: Chrysanthus Date Published: 29 Mar 2016


This is part 1 of my article series, Designing a Video Galley. A video gallery is a collection of videos in a web page, of a common title. In this part of the series I explain how to place HTML5 video elements in a regular fashion (rows and columns) in a web page; I also explain how to enlarge and restore the video sizes using ECMAScript. You also need some knowledge in HTML, DOM and CSS in order to understand this article.

Browsers and HTML5
Today, a video will normally play in a browser with the help of some plugin; this causes incompatibility. However, videos that can play in the HTML5 video tag, in new desktop browsers today, without plugin, have the extensions, .ogv (Ogg) and . webm . Mobile device browsers would use .mp4 and .3gp (without plugin).

HTML5 Elements and Arrangement
Each video goes into a figure element. A figure element is by default, a block-level element. Unfortunately a figure element extends from the left end of its containing block to the right end of the containing block. In order for the figure element to have a short length and be in a horizontal line (along with other elements), you have to give it the CSS display of inline-block.

Each figure element should have a figcaption element within. The figcaption element has the caption (title) of the video.

It is good for the video resources to have the same width and same height, at the server.

With this model, you just type the figure elements in a line; type the <br> element, then type the same number of figure elements in the next line; then <br>, same number of figure elements, and so on. In that way you end up with an arrangement of rows and columns.

In the following code, there are four figure elements, two in a row. The video resource files are in the same directory as the main HTML document. Read and try the code:

    <h1>Title of Gallery</h1>

        <figure style="display:inline-block"><video src="small.ogv" width=200px controls autoplay></video><br><figcaption>Caption 1</figcaption></figure>
        <figure style="display:inline-block"><video src="small.webm" width=200px controls autoplay></video><br><figcaption>Caption 2</figcaption></figure>
        <figure style="display:inline-block"><video src="small.ogv" width=200px controls autoplay></video><br><figcaption>Caption 3</figcaption></figure>
        <figure style="display:inline-block"><video src="small.webm" width=200px controls autoplay></video><br><figcaption>Caption 4</figcaption></figure>


Video Enlargement and Restoration Technique
- For each figure element, you use the same video from the same source.
- You use two different video tags for this same video, and the two different tags are coded on the same place in the HTML document.
- One video tag has the smaller dimension and the other has the bigger dimension. Only the width (without the height) for each dimension is coded.
- The smaller dimension is the default dimension, which is shown initially; and the bigger dimension is not shown (initially).
- The video tag for the bigger dimension is typed in front of the tag for the smaller dimension.
- When a particular mouse even occurs on the smaller dimension, the bigger dimension is shown to cover the smaller dimension.
- When a particular mouse even occurs on the bigger dimension, it is removed and the smaller dimension is shown.

The following code illustrates this (read and try it):

<style type="text/css">
    video.large {width:500px; display:none; position:absolute; z-index:2}
    video.small {width:200px}
<script type="text/ecmascript">
    var size = "small"
    function maxRest(ID)
            if (size == "small")
                    document.getElementById(ID).style.display = "inline";
                    size = "big";
                    document.getElementById(ID).style.display = "none";
                    size = "small";

    <h1>Title of Gallery</h1>

        <figure style="display:inline-block"><video src="small.ogv" id="I1A" onmouseleave="maxRest('I1A')" class="large" controls autoplay></video><video src="small.ogv" id="I1B" onmouseenter="maxRest('I1A')" class="small" controls autoplay></video><figcaption>Caption 1</figcaption></figure>
        <figure style="display:inline-block"><video src="small.webm" id="I2A" onmouseleave="maxRest('I2A')" class="large" controls autoplay></video><video src="small.webm" id="I2B" onmouseenter="maxRest('I2A')" class="small" controls autoplay></video><figcaption>Caption 2</figcaption></figure>


        <figure style="display:inline-block"><video src="small.ogv" id="I3A" onmouseleave="maxRest('I3A')" class="large" controls autoplay></video><video src="small.ogv" id="I3B" onmouseenter="maxRest('I3A')" class="small" controls autoplay></video><figcaption>Caption 3</figcaption></figure>
        <figure style="display:inline-block"><video src="small.webm" id="I4A" onmouseleave="maxRest('I4A')" class="large" controls autoplay></video><video src="small.webm" id="I4B" onmouseenter="maxRest('I4A')" class="small" controls autoplay></video><figcaption>Caption 4</figcaption></figure>


The video element at the large size should not be higher in resolution (pixels) than the video element at the server, otherwise there would be lost of resolution for the large video.

That is it for this part of the series.


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