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References in Objects and Arrays

PHP References - Part 3

Foreword: In this part of the series, I talk about References in Objects and Arrays.

By: Chrysanthus Date Published: 2 Dec 2018


This is part 3 of my series, PHP Reference. In this part of the series, I talk about References in Objects and Arrays. You should have read the previous parts of the series before coming here, as this is the continuation.

Reference as a Property
A reference can be the property of a class. Try the following code:


    $vr = 'I love you.';

    class Cla
            public $prop;

            function __construct()
                    global $vr;
                    $this->prop = &$vr;

    $obj = new Cla();
    $vr = 'I hate you.';
    echo $obj->prop;


In the creation of the object, the construction assigns a reference to the property. Outside and below the class definition, the content of the reference is changed. The output is:

    I hate you.

Copying an Object
When copying an object to a variable, the references to the object properties are not copied - they cannot be copied and should not be copied. The official syntax to copy an object in PHP is:

    $copy_of_object = clone $object;

Try the following code, which shows that the reference to an object property has not been copied:


    $vr = 'I love you.';

    class Cla
            public $prop;

            function __construct()
                    global $vr;
                    $this->prop = &$vr;

    $obj = new Cla();
    echo $obj->prop, '<br>';
    $vr = 'I hate you.';
    echo $obj->prop, '<br>';
    $obj2 = clone $obj;
    $vr = 'Why?';
    echo $obj2->prop;


The output is:

    I love you.
    I hate you.

Reference as Value of Element in Array
A reference can be the value of an element in an array. Try the following code:


    $vr = "yellow";

    $arr = array('Apple' => "purple", 'Banana' => &$vr, 'Pear' => "green");

    $vr = "white";
    echo $arr['Banana'];


A reference has been assigned as value to the key, 'Banana'. The output is:


Copying an Array
When copying an array to a variable, references to keys are not copied - they cannot be copied and should not be copied. The syntax to copy an array in PHP is just:

    $copy_of_array = $array;

Try the following code, which shows that the reference to a key has not been copied:


    $vr = "yellow";

    $arr = array('Apple' => "purple", 'Banana' => &$vr, 'Pear' => "green");

    echo $arr['Banana'], '<br>';
    $vr = "white";
    echo $arr['Banana'], '<br>';
    $arr2 = $arr;
    $vr = "black";
    echo $arr['Banana'], '<br>';


The output is:


Object Reference
An object variable can be referenced. When this is done, the references inside the object remain. Try the following code:


    $vr = 'I love you.';

    class Cla
            public $prop;

            function __construct()
                    global $vr;
                    $this->prop = &$vr;

    $obj = new Cla();
    $obj1 = &$obj;
    echo $obj1->prop, '<br>';
    $vr = 'I hate you.';
    echo $obj1->prop, '<br>';
    $obj2 = clone $obj1;
    $vr = 'Why?';
    echo $obj2->prop;


The output is:

    I love you.
    I hate you.

Array Reference
An array variable can be referenced. When this is done, the references inside the array remain. Try the following code:


    $vr = "yellow";

    $arr = array('Apple' => "purple", 'Banana' => &$vr, 'Pear' => "green");

    $arr1 = $arr;
    echo $arr1['Banana'], '<br>';
    $vr = "white";
    echo $arr1['Banana'], '<br>';
    $arr2 = $arr1;
    $vr = "black";
    echo $arr['Banana'], '<br>';


The output is:


That is it for this part of the series.


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