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PHP List

PHP Arrays with Security Considerations

Foreword: In this part of the series, I talk about lists in PHP.

By: Chrysanthus Date Published: 7 Nov 2018


This is part 1 of my series, PHP Arrays with Security Considerations. In this part of the series, I talk about lists in PHP. You should have read the previous series before reaching here, as this is the continuation.

A List
In PHP, a list is a set of items separated by commas, in square brackets. The items are like elements of an array. Each element can be assigned to a separate variable outside the array. The following is a list of items, which were found on a reading table.

    'pen', 'book', 'ruler', 'computer'

If a number is a member of the list, it does not have to be typed in quotes. Any string member has to be typed in quotes. If you want to consider the list as a group, place the list in square brackets, as follows:

    ['pen', 'book', 'ruler', 'computer']

The following is the creation of an array:

    $arr = ['pen', 'book', 'ruler', 'computer'];

The items in a list can be assigned to variables outside the list, using the PHP list() function as follows:

    list($var0, $var1, $var2, $var3) = ['pen', 'book', 'ruler', 'computer'];

Try the following code:


    list($var0, $var1, $var2, $var3) = ['pen', 'book', 'ruler', 'computer'];

    echo $var0, '<br>';
    echo $var1, '<br>';
    echo $var2, '<br>';
    echo $var3, '<br>';


The output is:


You can still assign the items as follows:


    $arr = ['pen', 'book', 'ruler', 'computer'];

    list($var0, $var1, $var2, $var3) = $arr;

    echo $var0, '<br>';
    echo $var1, '<br>';
    echo $var2, '<br>';
    echo $var3, '<br>';


If you try this code, the result will be the same as above.

You can decide to copy just the first few items of an array. Try the following code:


    list($var0, $var1) = array('pen', 'book', 'ruler', 'computer');

    echo $var0, '<br>';
    echo $var1, '<br>';


The output is:


If you do not want the function, list(), you can use square brackets on the left hand side of the assignment operator as follows:


    [$var0, $var1] = array('pen', 'book', 'ruler', 'computer');

    echo $var0, '<br>';
    echo $var1, '<br>';


The output is:


Subscripting a List
The subscript for an array element is an integer inside square brackets.

You can subscript a list similar to the way you subscript an array. Try the following code:


    $item = ['pen', 'book', 'ruler', 'computer'][2];

    echo  $item;


The output is:


The square brackets with its subscript is just at the end of the list. The expression returns the value whose index is the subscript (index counting begins from zero).

List as Associative Array
A list can be an associative array. Try the following code:


    $item = ['Pear' => "green", 'Lemon' => "green", 'Apple' => "purple", 'Banana' => "yellow"]['Apple'];

    echo  $item;


The output is:


, the value of the element whose key is Apple.

That is it for this part of the series. We stop here and continue in the next part.


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