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Ecosystem Spaceship

Foreword: The ecosystem spaceship is one which recycles oxygen, carbon dioxide and human waste between humans and plants. The ship has humans, soil and crops. The crops are grown by humans, the astronauts. This recycling is controlled by the design of the spaceship.

By: Chrysanthus Date Published: 2 May 2020


In order for astronauts to travel to space, they need to go with oxygen and food from the earth. Carrying oxygen and food limits the length of time they can stay in space, because the oxygen and food will soon get finished. It would be better if they go with plants and cookers to cook their own food.

I am the first person to come up with this solution. So, nobody or set of people, is/are allowed to use the knowledge here for any purpose, especially to build a spaceship, satellite or (international) space station, etc. without my permission.

The Need for an Ecosystem Spaceship
When astronauts go to space with oxygen and food from earth, when the oxygen finishes, they must come back; when the food finishes, they must come back. So the length of time they can remain in space is short.

The length of time an astronaut can stay continuously on earth, is his/her lifespan, very long. Anybody on earth, including astronauts, stool after eating (not immediately of course). The stool is good manure for plants (crops) to grow. As the plants grow, they send out oxygen. Humans take in oxygen and send out carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and send out oxygen. Both, interchange those gases to stay alive. Humans cook plants and eat them. When they stool, the stool would become manure for the plants and the cycle repeats continuously. That is an ecosystem.

The Ecosystem Spaceship Proper
So, instead of going to space with oxygen and food, build a spaceship on earth with ground, growing crops (plants). The plants will provide oxygen for the astronauts; the astronauts will breath providing carbon dioxide for the plants. The ship will have cookers and utensils for the astronauts to cook the plants and eat them. Seeds of the crops will be replanted while they are in space. The stools of the astronauts is manure and will be mixed with ground for crops to grow. There will be a ventilator for circulating air (oxygen and carbon dioxide) for the breathing of astronauts and plants.

Of course, no air will be allowed to leave the spaceship.

Problems and Solution
There are some problems which must be taken into consideration. You cannot grow an orange tree in the spaceship for example. It is too big. Small crops have to be grown and they should constitute balanced diet. Plants grow towards the sun. So sunlight can be directed towards the plants using mirrors, and beam to the plants from the direction considered as the top.

The main source of energy is the sun. Here on earth we now know how to convert sunlight to electrical energy, which can be converted to mechanical (machine rotation) energy, within the craft.

Propulsion of the spaceship will still be achieved by releasing of gas, behind. If the ship can reach a planet which has gas in its atmosphere, then it can refuel by taking some of the gas from that atmosphere.  

The ecosystem spaceship is one which recycles oxygen, carbon dioxide and human waste between humans and plants. The ship has humans, soil and crops. The crops are grown by humans, the astronauts. This recycling is controlled by the design of the spaceship.


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