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Explanation of Lightning and Thunder to Everybody

Forward: In this article I explain the meaning of lightning and thunder to the understanding of everybody.

By: Chrysanthus Date Published: 1 Sep 2012


You already know what lightning and thunder are. When there is thunder, there is always lightning. In this article I explain the meaning of lightning and thunder to the understanding of everybody. If you are a student of computer maintenance, then this article is important.

If you are not an electrician or electrical engineer, then read the following articles first in the order given:

- Electricity Basics and Explanation of Shock
- Alternating Current Basics and Explanation of Shock
- Explanation of Electrical Short Circuit

To arrive at any of the articles, just search the web.

You must have seen visible current before. If you go to where electrical technicians are working, you might see sparks. You might also have seen sparks in your house from some equipment or wires of the wiring house system. Such a spark is visible current; it is not really fire; however it can still cause burning. In an electrical environment, a spark would occur when two conductors or points of high difference is voltage potential are brought close together. In other words, the resistance offered by air is overcome because of the high difference in potential. So current jumps from the high potential point to the low potential point. The high difference in potential may be caused by an error in circuiting as the people are working or an error that just results naturally in a circuit. In some situations, a fuse may blow or lights (current supply) to the building may go off.

Lightning is also a long visible current and usually occurs when it is raining. In this case a very great difference in potential occurs from a point (or small area) in the sky and the ground. This difference in potential us extremely great to cover that distance. And so a surge of current, for a reasonably short duration moves from the point in the sky to the ground. The difference in potential does not last for long, so the lightning or its current does not last for long.

If you are standing under the lightning current, you will likely die, even if you are wearing protective shoes. Remember, your body (together with your skin) is a good conductor of electricity. So the current should pass through you. The difference in potential and the current are each so great that any protective shoes you are wearing cannot resist (are defeated). Under such a condition, insulators become conductors and may be destroyed or change their shape. So, the lightning current will pass through you to the ground. The current is so great that you have to die. When current flows through you, it upsets your body chemistry (enzymes, liquids, flesh, bone). A high degree of upset causes death.

Note: Lightning current through a human or animal is an extreme electrical shock.

When lightning occurs it makes noise. Note that a spark also makes noise. However, that from the lightning is heavier and much louder. Now, light travels faster than sound. So you see the lightning first before you hear the sound caused by the lightning. That is, the light from the lightning reaches your eyes first before the sound reaches your ears. The sound caused by the lightning is thunder. The sound is usually not harmful, even if you are near (but not under) the flow of the lightning (electric current).

Prevention of the House against Lightning
If you go to areas where lightning (and resulting thunder) is frequent, you may see at the top of some houses, a small long metal with a sharp end pointing upward. From the metal, another flexible metal connected to it runs downward over the roof, by the side of the house, to the ground.

Now, current (electrons) tend to accumulate near sharp edges or points, of the conductor. This is why the metal has a sharp end pointing upward, so that if lightning (current) is coming (it comes very fast) over the roof it should concentrate at the tip of the metal and be conducted through the metal and by the flexible metal to the ground. In that way, the occupants and items in the house should be safe from high electric shock, from the lightning current.

That is what I had installed for you for this article.


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